Friday, November 5, 2010

jenna fox

i think its confusing so far because its futureistic and i am alittle confused on whats exactly going on exactly. Also another confusing thing for me is when she has to watch the videos of her self and her grandmother does not really treat her like a grand daughter. she treats her more like someone she does not know but also whats to know. hi livi


  1. ohhay Paige :)
    I don't really like it either, I don't find it confusing at all but it's just not intriguing at all. >___>

  2. i agree its just not interesting but i still think its confusing but i used interesting instead of the big words like you did

  3. LOL
    Oh, Jenna Fox.
    but yeah we should try to get to 100 or something :], i'm on ninety something.

  4. what is bio gel that her dad invented

  5. yeah tonight and this weekend i will read to 150 to catch up on are book

  6. tbh I don't know :x
